Who we are
Our videographers are seasoned professionals trained in this field. Whatever your video needs, Video Impressions is backed with the knowledge, skills and techniques necessary for successfully completing your project! With over thirty years' experience and a long list of satisfied Clients, we have what it takes to capture the moment!
What you can expect
- You will work directly with our owner, Richard W. Kutnick
- You will receive personal, one-on-one attention
- Your input will be requested and valued, since your requirements are unique
- You will enjoy an expertly crafted video that will endure for years to come!
Please scroll down to see all of our Wedding, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Travel and Non-Profit Videos.
HINT: To replay any video you just watched, hover over the circle with the arrow (located in the lower left corner of the video screen). Click on it when the word “replay” appears above it.
Wedding Videos